Tuesday, November 07, 2006

High-On-the-Holiday Tea! November 26

The PERFECT beginning for a wonderful season!

Luscious Teas-Chocolates-Scones and Tea-wiches
Twelve tasty, hot hints to handle havoc and hinder headaches!

Halleluja! Halt Holiday Hassle!

Sunday, November 26, 2006
4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
The Tamarack Inn
Carlsbad, CA

Topics cover Harpy to Harmony, History, Hostessing, Houseguests, Happiness, Housekeeping, Hunk Hanky-Panky and Hush!

DARE to come see what's in store!


CLAUDIA JEAN, Queen of Self-Esteem
Dare to Celebrate!

KATHI BURNS, Maven of Orgainzation

Help Me, I Hurt 6 PM ~ November 20

Put 'Happy' in the Holidays After Loss--A Special AFFIRMATION TEA featuring wonderful exotic teas, chocolates, scones, and tea-wiches PLUS a moving presentation on strategies to celebrate your aching, loving heart!

Learn how to move from Grief to...

...A lighter heart

Monday, November 20, 6:00 p.m.
The Tamarack Inn
3200 Carlsbad Blvd
Carlsbad, CA
In the third floor ocean view Conference Room.

CLAUDIA JEAN, Queen of Self-Esteem and Dare to Celebrate!

LANCE WARE, Emotional Recovery Therapist, ISIS

Let your grief be the powerhouse that drives you, rather than the ocean that drowns you!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Like Me Tea! Blended to Perfection

Well! I've gone and done it again! I met a fabulous tea blender and asked him to create not just one but fifteen, yes fifteen, fabulous teas that are really something special! Just like you and me! All different, all fabulous! Can one say fabulous too often? No? Fabulous!

The tea blender's tagline especially caught my attention--'Blended to Perfection!' That is the perfect description for us as amazing women and harks to everything I hope to teach to the world! (When one has fifteen teas, one gets a bit grandiose!)

Suffice it to say my teas are tagged 'Like Me Tea--Blended to Perfection.'

By now you know where this is going! Yes! We are going to have a High Tea that's All About Me! meaning all of us women in all of our glory!

Assorted teas, scones, finger sandwiches and chocolates will be served along with a sweet serving of my new presentation, Create Your Truth! where you will actually move from "Am I?" to "I Am!" It's a very powerful move to make!

I will also be unveiling my new "Esteem Repair Kit" designed to rewrite your personal history and affirm your true value, and that value is enormous! If you or someone you love feels less than perfect, this is a must-attend event. If life is good and your worth well defined, come spread the wealth because the need is great.

Dress to the nines with a hat and gloves or come bare headed. This is a tea about and for just you and we love you just the way you are! And yes, there's air conditioning!

Like Me Tea--Blended to Perfection

Sunday August 13, 2006

2 PM to 4 PM

Palacio Del Mar Clubhouse

Carmel Valley at the I-5

Price: $20

contact: claudia@claudiajean.com

Blended to Perfection! Fabulous!

A Totally 'Into You' Cruise

Dare to Celebrate the Female Form--Especially Yours!

Mark your calendars NOW! April 13-15, 2007

We leave from Los Angeles on Carnival Cruise Line, sail to Ensanada Mexico and back again.

Two points: 1) This trip leaves on a LUCKY Friday the 13th. Celebrate!
2) We are using this trip as a floating hotel with no intention of leaving the ship!

This will be a powerful and empowering look at what makes each of us the unique individual that we are while providing the tools necessary to take your life and every interaction to a whole new level.

The overriding arc of the programs will address YOU in relation to the word WORTHY--worthy to be seen, worthy to be heard, worthy to be loved, worthy to be valued. In my experience, few women, young or old have their worth strongly defined and at the core of their existence.

Men are welcome as there will be events for them plus a special male vs. female communication segment that will certainly entertain but more importantly unplug some of the misery that occurs when men and women don't acknowledge the beautiful differences in our biological purpose and communication/bonding styles. If you want to turn your man into an absolute soul-mate, this segment will do it!!!

This Cruise would also be a great Mother/Daughter event or even better Mother/Daughter/Granddaughter event. It is never too early for our young girls to learn that who they are and that the bodies they were genetically given are gift enough.

Dare to Celebrate the Female Form! I double dog dare you!!!!

For cost information and to reserve your place click this link to Legendary World now!


Use code: CJBLOG and get $50 off per person on these low Cruise prices.

Our cruise specialist is Adele McIntosh, simply the best!

And as a shout out to Adele--I have been on several Cruise Seminars where service sucked (until I edit in a more appropriate word). I have sailed under Adele's banner and her attention to detail means we will have as flawless an event as superhumanly possible as she pulled off superhuman magic last time. Of course no one to date has been able to work that magic on me personally so you all will just have to deal!!!!

The bonds formed on this trip will last a lifetime--plan on it!!!

Sign up NOW--I double dog dared you!!!!

Divine Diva Dish

Diva Dish? Divine???

Absolutely! Just join us and see what it is all about. Debra with Magic in Words is taking me and my 'words' to a whole new level. Look forward to fun discussions, intense interactions and amazing insights as people 'in the know' share just the information that will make your life and business so much more powerful.

I highly recommend visiting Debra at www.magicinwords.com today and putting magic in your web presentation! Everything you see in this (and the previous two posts) was programed and up on my site in ONE DAY! What are you waiting for????

Debra is a Dish. Debra knows how to Dish!!! And the Diva part is her birthright! She will have you up and Dishing on your own in no time at VERY little expense. She never ceases to amaze!!!

Remember, this is a Blog--you can and should respond!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Does Style Matter?

Style is just the outside of content, and content the inside of style, like the outside and the inside of the human body--both go together, they can't be separated. Jean-Luc Godard

I like it! ...CJ

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I was contacted by Margot Carmichael Lester for an article on Mid-Life Dating. She isn't sure exactly where I will get quoted but I am going to post our question and answer dialogue:

Margot: Please comment for a story on dating a widow/er:

1) What's the most important thing to remember when dating a widow/er? Why?

Some widow/ers were in love with their mate, others weren't. I personally would prefer the grieving lover to the newly escaped... Some also have issues with realizing too late how much they really did love their spouse but didn't show/voice it clearly. I find those with regrets have the most fragile psychology to deal with.

Everyone grieves in their own way, some openly, some quietly. As the potential new love interest, your sense of self needs to be centered enough to allow the widow/er to deal with putting their passed love in perspective and THEN discovering where you might fit in their future. If you need immediate assurances, move one. You do not have a right to interfere with another human's need to make sense of their pain. Be there for them, listen, support and validate that love for their mate may change but does not need to lessen over time. Someone who truly loved their spouse will eventually be able to truly love you too, but only in their own time. When you encourage and validate the love they have felt, chances are good that that love will move forward towards you.

2) When is it ok to ask about the former spouse? And how can you start that conversation?

As soon as I knew I was with a widow/er, I would say something like, "I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine such pain. I'd love to hear about your wife/husband whenever you feel like talking." You see, I really do want to know how deeply this individual can love because I want to be loved deeply too and this person may be a good candidate!

3. Some daters feel jealous of the strong feelings widow/ers have for their former spouses. What are two "reality checks" for these folks to help them deal with their feelings without hurting those of the widow/er?

Just go with it for pity's sake! How do YOU want to be loved? What if YOU predeceased the love of your life? Do you want their loneliness to follow them to their grave or do you want to have the love you had for each other move forward? Wouldn't you hope the new love to be 'fond' of YOUR memory?

A bigger question may be 'How well do YOU love?' not the widow/er. Join the widow/er in embracing their lost love. I suggest creating shrines, speaking highly of the departed and celebrating the fact that you are getting time with this marvelous human being, truly a gift from the departed. Treat the deceased like your best friend. The heart is big enough for both you and the deceased. You should be big enough to share.

Each mind takes its own time to adjust. The widow/er may remember their spouse as magical. Join their thinking and you take on magic of your own.

4. What else should daters know about going out with a widow/er? Why?

Many have not dated in years and have no idea how to even approach the process. There may be a lingering sense of 'cheating' that must be worked through. Unless you're recently single and unskilled yourself, your dating skills should include the ability to be still and let this wonderful human being (as you've already ascertained) move toward you.

So Dear Blog Reader--if you hear or see any of this out there, let me know. Margot is an advice Columnist and Feature Writer for Match.com and love.msn.com.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

We're Having Fun Now!

The mid-life dating seminar is in full swing! Every man is going to want to meet this group of fabulous women. Our discussions are leading to a real and abiding appreciation for self as well as for all men. This is a concept new to many and the excitement mounts as attitudes change.

There are secrets we will not tell but just know that there is a group of women who have made room in their closets for the one who's meant to be. If you don't think that's a big deal, you don't know a woman's closet!

Adore, adoring and adorable. Words to live by!

More later!

Friday, February 03, 2006

A Whole New Year! An Exciting New Start!

Things have been a little quiet but not anymore! There's a whole new role to play and here I come! I promise to be gentle.

I gave up the struggle to launch my direct selling company in late fall, licked my wounds and am back out the door doing what I love best--talking! Now I'm doing it with more purpose, focus and hopefully content. Sometimes a door slammed in your face just knocks sense into your head--that's the case for me this time.

My true passion, to create a world where each woman's sense of self is pure and alive with passion for living, is now my total focus. My first major seminar of the year will start February 21st here at the Studio. Titled The Do's and Don'ts of Mid-Life Dating, it will address learning a 'soul-mate' attitude while debunking the twin myths, "All the Good Ones are Taken" and "Men Only Want Younger Women."

Watch for news of the fun we cause as we take what we know to the streets! Adorable! Count on it!