Thursday, July 31, 2008

Poz Body Talk #10

Self Engaged

A great relationship results when both parties think they got a great deal.

Does your mind think it got a great deal with your body?
YES? Celebrate!
No? Then set a goal. Put your mind on notice that there will be new rules of engagement.

Post-it cue:

Great Deal
Body & Soul

Re-focus ~ Re-frame ~ Re-gain Self

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Poz Body Talk # 9

Self Loved

“Feeling bad about yourself activates stress centers in the brain that can actually lead to disease,” reports Peter Muennig, M.D. whose recent study showed that women who liked their bodies (whether thin or overweight) felt sick 30% less often than women who wished they were thinner.

Post-it cue:

'as is’

Re-focus ~ Re-frame ~ Re-gain Self

Put one Post-it on your computer screen, one on your bathroom mirror,
one on your frig and one anywhere else you may spend repeated time during the day.

The act of writing imprints the truth on your mind.
Every time you see your handwriting again, it further imprints your mind.

To increase the value of this process, smile when you see a Post-it.
Smiling signals your mind to increase endorphins and imprint what makes you smile.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Poz Body Talk # 8

Self Secure

"The hardest challenge is to be your (physical …CJ) self in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else."
~ e. e. cummings

“Thank you” to Diana Chernofsky for sending this celebrity inspiration:

Consider Lauren Hutton who, despite a large gap between her front teeth, rose to super-model fame and is still beautifully herself growing older. Although she would wear a filler early in her career, as her fame grew she often convinced photographers to capture her natural gap-toothed beauty. Now that’s model living!

Post-it cue: BE!

Re-focus ~ Re-frame ~ Re-gain Self

Put one Post-it on your computer screen, one on your bathroom mirror,
one on your frig and one anywhere else you may spend repeated time during the day.

The act of writing imprints the truth on your mind.
Every time you see your handwriting again, it further imprints your mind.

To increase the value of this process, smile when you see a Post-it.
Smiling signals your mind to increase endorphins and imprint what makes you smile.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Poz Body Talk #7

Self Acknowledged

It is said that a smile, which signals safety and friendship to another, is the shortest distance between two people. A smile creates an even shorter message from your conscious Self through your subconscious Self to your body Self.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold for four counts, now smile. What you feel is endorphins, the loooooove hormone, releasing throughout your body.

Start and end each day with this practice as your “Hello” and “Thank you” to your amazing body. Repeat often throughout the day in affirmation of “I love you!”

Post-it cue:

to Self

Re-focus ~ Re-frame ~ Re-gain Self

Put one Post-it on your computer screen, one on your bathroom mirror,
one on your frig and one anywhere else you may spend repeated time during the day.

The act of writing imprints the truth on your mind.
Every time you see your handwriting again, it further imprints your mind.

To increase the value of this process, smile when you see a Post-it.
Smiling signals your mind to increase endorphins and imprint what makes you smile.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Dee Sanford Wrote ~

Unfortunately, from childhood, women are subconsciously encouraged to verbally express dissatisfaction to the very body that has to last us a lifetime. Who or what can flourish in negativity? Nothing! No wonder our bodies turn on us! We have told it such terrible things and criticized it, and not loved and accepted its curves and sexiness, and appreciated its very important role in containing our spirit!

Having had a weight problem all my life, I cursed and criticized myself. I never lost one pound behind it, and always felt inferior when comparing myself to slender friends or images on TV and in magazines. I learned to get past all that, and learned to love and accept my body years ago. Turns out it was the best thing that could have happened. That way I could love myself. It also made it easier for others to love me.

We won’t all be naturally slender, tall, with perky breasts, a flat stomach, shapely legs and hips, and all those body parts that spell “perfection” to a world of folks who could care less about us. So what? We are perfect in God’s eyes. He fashioned us wonderfully and I am thankful for this body I have. Thanks for reminding us!
Dee Sanford

Dee is a Make a Difference Woman of the highest order. Check her out at ...CJ

Poz Body Talk #6

Self Aware

‘Speak’ to your body directly... to a lover.

With your dominant hand write, “Hello body.”

Close your eyes, breathe deeply and feel the message flow from head to toe.

When all internal ‘ears and eyes’ are open you will feel a warm buzz of awareness.

Open your eyes and, with your non-dominant hand, write, “I love you.”

Feel the endorphin rush.


Post-it cue:

Hello body
I love you

Re-focus ~ Re-frame ~ Re-gain Self

Put one Post-it on your computer screen, one on your bathroom mirror,
one on your frig and one anywhere else you may spend repeated time during the day.

The act of writing imprints the truth on your mind.
Every time you see your handwriting again, it further imprints your mind.

To increase the value of this process, smile when you see a Post-it.
Smiling signals your mind to increase endorphins and imprint what makes you smile.