Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Poz Body Talk #7

Self Acknowledged

It is said that a smile, which signals safety and friendship to another, is the shortest distance between two people. A smile creates an even shorter message from your conscious Self through your subconscious Self to your body Self.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold for four counts, now smile. What you feel is endorphins, the loooooove hormone, releasing throughout your body.

Start and end each day with this practice as your “Hello” and “Thank you” to your amazing body. Repeat often throughout the day in affirmation of “I love you!”

Post-it cue:

to Self

Re-focus ~ Re-frame ~ Re-gain Self

Put one Post-it on your computer screen, one on your bathroom mirror,
one on your frig and one anywhere else you may spend repeated time during the day.

The act of writing imprints the truth on your mind.
Every time you see your handwriting again, it further imprints your mind.

To increase the value of this process, smile when you see a Post-it.
Smiling signals your mind to increase endorphins and imprint what makes you smile.

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