Friday, April 22, 2005

More True Than Funny

I don't know about you but I actually used a slide rule during college. Those of you under 50 probably have no idea what a I'm talking about but slide rules were a particularly brutal form of torture that functioned as a primitive calculator and were a necessary evil in a number of science classes. Well, we're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy! See how dependent, demanding and consumed we are for information today...

You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your three family members!

Your daughter sells Girl Scout Cookies over her Web site.

You chat several times a day with a friend in London but you haven't spoken to your neighbors in months.

You call from your own driveway to see if anyone is home.

Your excuse for not staying in touch with some family members is because they don't have email.

You just tried to enter your password on the microwave...

Time to take a rest, a walk and a smell of the roses! But I'm still glad the slide rule has been retired or cast into oblivion. Has anyone even seen one in an antique mall? I haven't and I would probably buy one just to terrorize my nieces!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL...I actually have one, maybe even two of those slide rules around somewhere!(what college? I was using it in HIGH SCHOOL! Not that I remember how to use it now!) I think they are in storage with the rest of the stuff from my past... (really need to work on that too!)

Do you remember what you did when the world didn't have cell phones, computers, and even microwaves?

I remember playing in a field of flowers at my Grandma and Grandpa's... waiting for the cows to come to the barn and be milked (by hand) for the night.

My family (Dad, Mom, two older brothers, a cousin and I) used to Custom Combine. We traveled the midwest states, from North Dakota to Texas, Iowa, and Missouri, to harvest other folks' crops. I remember traveling in a caravan of trucks with combines on the beds, corn pickers on the trailers behind the trucks, and having to flash the lights so the other drivers would pull over to discuss whether we would make it to the next farm that we had to harvest by night time, or that we had truck problems, or where to stop to eat.

Now the cows are milked by machines till they're dry(and have to have hormones so they will produce the same amount the next day), and just about every farmer has at least one huge combine of their own, and they don't hire the combining out any more, and even if they did, the rigs that would haul the combines would be air-conditioned, have cb radios, along with cd-players and cell phones!

And laughingly enough I have found that my own family (husband, daughter and myself) have even text messaged each other in the next room when we all got new cell phones!

I'm not old enough to remember not having any cars around, but I am old enough to remember not having a computer in the house, or the school, or cell phones, and even microwaves.

I pride myself in knowing I still bake bread from scratch, make an entire ThanksGiving or Christmas meal without a Microwave, my 16 year old daughter can do the same, and my 9 year old son is learning how as well.