Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Enchanting San Diego Women's Network (SDWN)

WOW! What a great group of women and a FUN way to spend an evening--immersed in that mystical magic called 'woman energy!' I don't know exactly what it is but I LOVE being surrounded by it!

I was kindly asked to keynote for the evening, Thursday, June 7, 2007 and to speak on the topic: "Why Blend in When You Can Stand Out! Create Impact As the 'Face' of Your Business."

Looking out at the audience of beautiful smiling faces representing varied races and ages made it so easy reach out and share my passion for each woman's journey to pure, authentic self at exactly the point she is at this moment! We as women have been so conditioned to a false need for 'perfection' that we often don't project a deep regard for who we are and how we look.

SDWN was founded by Mary Jo Wallo, also co-founder of The Blue Thong Society! Lucky me, I had the good fortune to sit at her table and spend a bit of face time with this amazingly busy woman who is a major change agent for women toward positive self concept!

I reconnected with the Zesty Pam Browing, Divine Sky Jeannette and Charming Nancy Clement. San Diego is truly a village when beautiful women keep crossing your path over the years! I am soooooo fortunate to do what I do and meet who I meet!

What I learned: At the end the meeting, Mary Jo spoke to the group and mentioned that the energy in the room was particularly high and gave me some credit for the feeling. I thank her for that accolade. On reflection, I agree that it is my intent to raise the energy in every room where I am honored to speak. I come into every program hoping to unlock a sense of self and to free each woman to 'feel' her individual power as independent of every other 'powerful' woman in the room. The energy we all felt was that unleashed sense that 'I am ALL I need to be--and so are you!' It is a glorious way to live! Let's do more of that!

Thank you dear ladies of SDWN! If you would, please comment to this blog page as to what you personally took out of the meeting. This is several days later so don't be ashamed if only a sense of 'being' is what you have left! Share your tea 'words' and any others you have collected in the meantime! Also, include a link to your website and a few words about why you are passionate about what you do so future visitors can contact you about either my speaking or your business!

If you have time also visit my Networking site

Until we meet again! BE SEEN, Make a Difference!


NancyJB said...

Hi Claudia Jean

Well we enjoyed you as much as you enjoyed us! The energy in the room was great and I am sure we all left feeling uplifted with it.

As my teabag said, "I am a Treasure!" I love that and think you are too.

Nancy J Burdge (1 of the 3 Nancys)

NancyJB said...

Hi Claudia Jean

Well we enjoyed you as much as you enjoyed us! The energy in the room was great and I am sure we all left feeling uplifted with it.

As my teabag said, "I am a Treasure!" I love that and think you are too.

Nancy J Burdge (1 of the 3 Nancys)

Anonymous said...

Claudia Jean's talk to the San Diego Women's Network on Thursday evening was a remarkable opportunity to reflect on the images we hold of ourselves as women and as professionals.

Although I'd considered issues of self-esteem and image before, I'd never before examined my own self-concept in such a positive light. Claudia gave us some great self-assessment tools, and I came away with some new skills and a renewed confidence that the messages about myself that I am putting out into the world are consistent with my authentic self. Her love of women's energy and women's beauty was contagious, and I am grateful for the reminder to tap into it at every chance I get!

With Claudia's inspiration, everyone at last week's SDWN meeting contributed to the amazing energy in the room. I'm fortunate and proud to be affiliated with every one of you!

Amy Abrams
President, San Diego Women's Network

Anonymous said...

Claudia Jean - I so enjoyed reconnecting with you when you spoke for the San Diego Women's Network in June.

What I loved most about your presentation is that you really made us LAUGH- that deep in the belly release that is an instant mental makeover!

The reason I laughed is that you weren't afraid to tell the truth about what most of us just think inside. With humor, you sprinkled some magic confidence dust over our fears of aging and just standing up and being who we really are in the world.

As a wellness advocate for over ten years empowering others to care for their health in the long-term, I want nothing more to see more and more happy and healthy people of all ages. If you or anyone else would like to visit my website, please go to

Claudia Jean- thanks for being who are which helps us be who we are!

Sky Jeannette, NMD

Kara said...

This sounds like it was a wonderful women networking event. Reading the comments made me wish I would have been able to attend. Do you have anything else coming up in the near future?