Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Poz Body-Talk #2

Poz(itive) Body-Talk!
Unplug the tendency for negative self-talk…

Re-focus ~ Re-frame ~ Re-gain Self

Gossipy putdowns are more about us than of whom we speak. Deadly true. As a kind woman you seldom partake yet focusing on what you don’t like about your own body (self-gossip) remains fair game even though it creates inescapable pain.

Suggested change: Every time you say (or think) something negative about yourself or others take a moment to re-focus and re-frame to say (or think) something positive. The more good you say and think the more good you feel toward yourself and show towards others. Win-win.

Bottom line belief: I embrace all of me ~ ‘as is.’

Action ~ Post-it cue:


then cover the word Gossip with a slashed circle.

The GOAL: Self, Unconditionally!

Put one Post-it on your computer screen, one on your bathroom mirror,
one on your frig and one anywhere else you may spend repeated time during the day.

The act of writing imprints the truth on your mind.
Every time you see your handwriting again, it further imprints your mind.

To increase the value of this process, smile when you see a Post-it.
Smiling signals your mind to increase endorphins and imprint what makes you smile.

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