Thursday, June 26, 2008

Poz Body-Talk #5

Self Mentored

Mentors guide, instruct and support personal growth. Collect names and articles of celebrity or famous mentors of poz body-talk. For example:
Newsweek, Oct 30, 2006: Movie star Kirsten Dunst is quoted as saying, “I would never fix my teeth—if someone asked me to, I wouldn’t work with them. It’s part of me. Messed up teeth are character.” Now that’s Poz!

As for me, I fondly remember Cher’s early crooked teeth as a mark of beauty--maybe because my own are not picket fence straight!

Start a list of famous people with ‘character.’ Add Kirsten to that list.

As you find more, add them to our blog or email them to and I will share them on future Post-its.

Post-it cue:


Re-focus ~ Re-frame ~ Re-gain Self

Put one Post-it on your computer screen, one on your bathroom mirror,
one on your frig and one anywhere else you may spend repeated time during the day.

The act of writing imprints the truth on your mind.
Every time you see your handwriting again, it further imprints your mind.

To increase the value of this process, smile when you see a Post-it.

Smiling signals your mind to increase endorphins and imprint what makes you smile.

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